Install ‘Docky’ on Ubuntu 20.04+

Docky is a Linux application that provides a dock for applications you’d frequently use. It’s no longer in the default repositories. This is how you install Docky on newer versions of Ubuntu. 

First, open your terminal.

Next, you’ll need Docky’s dependencies:

Now, let’s install them all at once:

Alright, you’ve now taken care of the dependencies. Let’s grab the Docky .deb:

And, of course, you can now install it:

There. You now have a running/working Docky and you can customize it and use it just like you did on older versions of Ubuntu. This should, of course, work with all official flavors of Ubuntu and with those distros that base themselves on Ubuntu’s 20.04+ version.

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Installing Google Earth on a Remote Computer

I wanted to test Google Earth Pro, but I didn’t want to install it on this computer. I wanted to install Google Earth Pro on a remote computer and test it there.

This is really just an expression of why I like Linux as much as I do. It allows me to be elegant and lazy!

First, I went to Google’s site for their Google Earth Pro application and found the download. It tried to make me download it automatically, and I canceled that. Instead, I right clicked on their link to ‘try again’ if the download didn’t start automatically and copied that link. Tada! 

Then, I opened my terminal…

I entered my password and was logged into that computer in the terminal. 

The next steps were just as easy.

Then I just waited and let it finish the task I’d set for it. Now, when I next go to that computer, or if I login with VNC, I can use Google Earth Pro and won’t have to go find the download, download it, and wait for it to install before I can use it. It’s already there, waiting for me to play with it.

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Use .htaccess to Stop People From Viewing Files in a Directory.

Open the directory with your favorite FTP client – unless you’re local and can just navigate to the directory.

Add a file called .htaccess. The ‘.’ is important and mandatory.

The permissions for .htaccess should be 644.

Edit the .htaccess file with a plain-text editor (don’t use a word-processor application) and add the following line:

Save the file.

What this will do is prevent indexing the files in the folder. If people try to access the folder directly, they’ll get a 403 forbidden error.

At the same time, you can still link directly to files in that folder.

So, let’s say you added the .htaccess to a directory called /tmp. You can still link to, use, and send people to /tmp/picture.jpg like normal, but people won’t be able to browse the directory and find files you don’t want them to see.

For more information,  click this.

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Prevent Duplicates in Bash History

As you may have noticed, bash keeps a history. If you open your terminal and push the up arrow, you’ll see the last command you used. This fills up with duplicates. This is how you ensure it doesn’t keep duplicates.

It’s pretty easy. Just open your terminal and enter:

After that, bash should no longer keep duplicates of previously entered commands.

See? Linux is pretty simple.

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How To: Enable PPAs With Elementary OS

Elementary, like Debian and some other Debian derivatives, doesn’t support PPAs out of the box. In order to use them, you’ll have to install `software-properties-common`.

Open your terminal with CTRL + ALT + T and simply enter the following:

sudo apt install software-properties-common

Once you’ve done that, you can add PPAs in the normal way. For example, this is a LibreOffice PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa

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About Me: I'm just some retired dude with a little bit more free time on my hands. If you want to support the site, why not help yourself out too by ordering some inexpensive web hosting so that you can start your own site?

Linux Tips
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